Friday, February 25, 2011

If your new or returning to the gym...

If you are new to the gym, or have been out of the gym for a long period of time you should take these precautions:

Check with your doctor before starting any physical activity especially if you are over the age of 35, have not been active for a long time, smoke, or have any medical condition.

Follow these phases during your workout:

  • Warm-up - Get your heart rate up with a light 5-10 minute cardio or exercise
  • Foam roll & Stretch - Hold the stretch for at least 20-30 seconds
  • Exercise - Begin with core then resistance training program
  • Cool-down - Bring your heart rate down
  • Foam roll & Stretch - Hold the stretch for at least 20-30 seconds

You should immediately stop exercising if you feel light headed, fainting, or cold sweat! Take a day of rest in between your resistance training regimen. Cardio can be done everyday but if you have been out for a long time you should consider a day of rest in between.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Importance of hydration

Every cell, tissue and organ in your body needs water to function correctly. It is required in basic bodily functions such as regulating blood pressure and body temperature, hydration and digestion. Unfortunately most people don't properly hydrate themselves. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger. Even mild dehydration will slow down one's metabolism and decrease your mental acuity by as much as 30%. The recommended amount of daily water intake is ten 8-ounce cups. To ensure that you are getting the proper amount of water, do what works best for you. Try keeping a cup by the water dispenser and filling it up periodically or even pre-measuring your daily water in a container.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Nutritional Yeast

Yeast, believe it or not, is a valuable nutritional supplement as it contains high levels of protein and vitamins. It contains 18 Amino Acids making it a complete protein, as well as 15 different minerals and is rich in B-complex vitamins. Nutritional yeast is a non-active form of yeast that you can use in a number of ways in the kitchen and it creates a delicious nutty, cheesy flavor. Add it to salads, casseroles, soups, popcorn, crackers and dips to experience all of its great health benefits. 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Foam rolling

Many people today live more sedentary lives than before. Often they will sit at work for long periods of time and then get home and do the same thing. Among many other negative side effects, this lack of exercise cause muscles to become tight or imbalanced. These alterations of muscle lengths put the muscles and joints at risk for injury. Foam rolling, or self-myofascial release is a great way to even out these muscle imbalances. When using the foam roller, slowly roll on the muscle and slightly rotate back-and-forth until you find a tender area and then hold it until the pressure releases. There are different densities of rollers so if your experiencing pain while rolling, go for a softer one. It should not hurt too badly. For a list of rolling techniques, check out the link and get started! Videos will be up soon.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Fad diets never work

A fad diet is a diet that promises quick and drastic weight loss by simply taking a supplement or excessively changing one's diet. Most of these diets are very low in carbohydrates and put one at risk for diseases. On top of the health risks, the weight loss is not permanent. As soon as the person finishes the diet they start gaining the weight back. The key to permanently cut the weight is to expend more calories than one consumes daily, resulting in a calorie deficit. For success, think lifestyle change. Eat a balanced diet without excesses and exercise regularly, at least three times a week. This way you will lose weight naturally, stay healthy, and obtain permanent results.

Surprise your body with new exercises

Among the common misconceptions of weight training, another one is that repetitive exercises will result in the desired benefits. The truth is that performing the same exercises over and over again is not the most efficient way to train. The body gets used to the same stresses placed on it, and it hits a plateau. One will need to continually change up exercises and routines in order to keep the body guessing. So next time you go to the gym, try a new exercise.

Posture is key

When performing resistance exercises many times I see people using poor form while lifting weights. The main reason behind this is that one could be using too heavy of a load, or their core is not ready for the exercise. It is crucial to gain core strength before lifting in order to not place excess stress on the lumbar spine, or lower back. Next time you exercise, don’t use weights that are too heavy for you. Instead lighten the load and concentrate on posture. This way you will avoid injury and have a more effective workout.

Don’t use momentum for weight lifting

Often I see people rocking back-and-forth when they are lifting weights. The reason is usually that the load is too heavy. This use of momentum does not bring any benefit to the exercise and can result in injury. A simple solution is to use lighter weights and control the motion. This will isolate the intended muscle and result in a more efficient training with less risk of injury.

Ab workouts don’t mean 6-pack

Almost everyone is searching for that defined ‘6-pack’. A common misconception is that concentrating on exercising the abdomen will achieve this. In essence what is being done is strengthening the core muscles, which is a good thing, but will not achieve the desired result. If one does not have a 6-pack, it is because they need to first lose the fat, not continue to focus on ab workouts. The only solution is a balanced diet and cardio!

About this blog

As a personal trainer who is at the gym everyday helping my clients achieve their goals, I have come to realize how important information and encouragement are. My goal with this blog is to provide practical information that will be useful for people who are committed to improving their fitness. I plan to share on a regular basis proven principles of fitness and health that will help readers to improve their workouts and achieve their goals faster. I will share thoughts that will motivate you to go to the gym. I will also post efficient exercise routines, nutritional tips, as well as information on staying injury free. Enough talk, let's get started!