Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Functional Training

Functional movements integrate all major muscle groups from head to toe. They do not require heavy, expensive machines, and can be performed almost anywhere. Some of the many tools used in functional training are, single-leg exercises, Swiss balls, and BOSU balls. These tools offer a proprioceptively enriched (unstable) environment and doing exercises in an unstable environment forces the body to recruit more muscles to stabilize itself, and thus, muscular coordination is enhanced. The use of machines further restricts the movement in an effort to isolate a muscle, however humans rarely move one muscle at a time along a single plane. Everyone uses functional movements in everyday life. Activities such as walking upstairs, carrying groceries, picking up dropped keys, carrying children, crossing the street or getting out of a parked car are all examples of this type of movement. Most orthopedic injuries occur while people are performing the normal activities of daily living outside the gym, so it is important to strengthen these muscle groups.