Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Sandbag Slams

Sandbag Slams:

Begin this exercise by standing with a sandbag at your feet. You will then quickly pick the bag up with both hands, raise it above your head and slam it on the ground as hard as you can. Repeat this as quickly as possible.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Many of you have heard that the best foods you can consume for breakfast are eggs and oatmeal. That can get rather tedious to eat every morning, so here is a simple recipe to change things up.

Oatmeal Pancake:

MALES use 6-8 eggs (only two of those whole eggs) and 1.5 - 2 cups of oatmeal.
FEMALES should use 4-6 egg whites and up to 1 cup of oatmeal.

Throw in some cinnamon and natural sweetener (such as Agave Nector or Nu-Stevia)
and batter it in a bowl until it is well mixed.

Spill the batter into a preheated skillet or pan on med/high heat until it is ready to flip.

The Oatmeal Pancake goes really good with fruit spreads and agave nector.


Monday, November 12, 2012

Bench Leg Raise

Bench Leg Raise:

Begin by lying on your back on a bench. Grasp the sides of the bench with both hands and put your legs straight up in the air. 

Tighten your abs as you move your hips off the bench. Make sure to get a good squeeze at the top and slowly return to the starting position. 

This exercise will target the bottom abs as well as the top.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Arnold's Supinating Dumbbell Curl

Arnold's Supinating Dumbbell Curl:

In the starting position you will hold the dumbbells with your palms facing behind you. This will activate the forearm muscles.

As you reach the mid-point you will have your thumbs facing straight up, much like a hammer curl.

Finish by turning the palms up and squeezing the curl before releasing.