Thursday, April 26, 2018

Q & A: How Many Cheat Meals Should You Have?

Let’s face it, everyone loves cheat meals! I get asked frequently how many cheat meals I eat a week and my system is simple to remember - 90% clean and 10% cheat meals.

So, I will allow myself ONE cheat meal every 10 meals.

NOTE: For very strict diets (competition) I would suggest only having ONE cheat meal per week! 

Thursday, November 2, 2017


I often get asked what supplements I take. Here is a list of supplements that I take daily for health and muscle growth:

1) BCAAs — Helps keep the body anabolic even through intense training. Keeps you going stronger in the gym with energy and suppresses serotonin which keeps you from feeling tired. I suggest a 2:1:1 ratio; having twice the Leucine than Isoleucine and Valine. Typical serving is 7-15 grams before and after training.

2) Glutamine — The most abundant amino acid in the body, it’s important to make sure you get plenty of this pre and post workout with your BCAAs. Typical serving is 5-10 grams before and after training.

3) Creatine — Very important supplement for cellular hydration, strength, energy during resistance training, and providing pumps in the muscles. Even has neurological brain benefits! I take Creatine Hydrochloride which uses a superior carrier than monohydrate. Typical serving is 2 grams before and after training.

4) Protein Drink — Whey is the most bioavailable and superior protein source when it comes to building lean muscle, but I suggest a blend to get a longer more steady flow of protein in the body. Whey protein is synthesized quickly so I get a protein powder that also contains egg protein for medium-release and casein for long-release. Typical serving is 1-2 scoops up to twice daily to reach protein needs.

5) Probiotics — Aids in healthy gut, healthy digestion, and healthy immune system. 80% of the immune system is in the gastrointestinal tract so probiotics can play a vital role in not getting sick! Typical servings can vary greatly but I recommend 10-20 billion twice a day. The best times to take is in the morning and evening before you eat.

6) Digestive Enzymes — These work synergistically with probiotics. They literally help break down the foods you eat so that the body can utilize all the nutrients optimally. I recommend taking only with the big meals.

7) Beef Aminos — In order to stay in a state of constant muscle growth (anabolism) you must make sure that the body always has amino acids so that it doesn’t have to break down muscle to get it. 

8) Fish Oil — Helps fight inflammation from intense training and free radicals. Also reduces risk of heart disease and stroke, lowers blood pressure and helps with brain health. I take this daily with three of my meals

9) Joint Support — For high intensity weight lifters it is important to keep the joints and ligaments healthy. Make sure your joint support has Glucosamine, Chondroitin and MSM.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Avoid This Secret Ingredient That Might Even be Worse Than Trans Fat!!

The FDA has officially banned trans fats, but there is a new secret enemy that might be even worse!

Trans fats are linked to health problems including heart disease, infertility, cancer, type 2 diabetes, liver problems, obesity, and memory deficits.

Studies found that even when eating the same calories in fats, the test subjects that were fed trans fat gained four times more weight and 30% more belly fat than those who ate monounsaturated fats.

Trans fats are still being phased out so you will need to be able to identify them. If the ingredient label has the words "partially hydrogenated" then there is trans fats! Even if a label says "trans fat free" it may still contain up to 0.5 grams per serving. With several servings in a box, you could be getting multiple grams of trans fats and not even know it! My advice is to just stay away from packaged or processed foods all together.

The new replacement for trans fat may even be worse for you. Companies have already begun replacing partially hydrogenated oil with fully hydrogenated oil; also known as interesterified oil. This replacement technically is not a trans fat but there are indications that it could be worse for your health. In a university study volunteers who consumed interesterified oil had a drop in "good" HDL cholesterol and a 20% rise in blood sugar in just one month!

Moral of the story guys, if you see the word "hydrogenated" anywhere on the ingredients list; STEER CLEAR!

Monday, September 11, 2017

My super healthy salad dressing recipe!!

-2tbsp organic apple cider vinegar 

-1tbsp olive oil

-1/2 tsp black pepper

-1/2 lemon juice

-Pinch of Himalayan Salt

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Get Shredded With Intermittent Fasting!!

Intermittent fasting is a great way to maintain a lean muscular physique without having to eat all day. It forces the body to utilize fat as a source of fuel. Best of all, the results should be noticeable within days!! Intermittent fasting is not a fad diet and can be continued year-round. It is not optimal for mass gaining plans or if you are already very lean and shredding stubborn fat for a contest -- For optimal mass building techniques be sure to catch my next blog on "Cyclical Bulking!"

There are many health benefits to intermittent fasting like greater insulin sensitivity, boosts in metabolism and immune function and releases Human Growth Hormone in the body which keeps the body lean and ripped!

The key is to fast 16 hours. The fast is broken for 8 hours. Typically the eating window is 2-10pm or Noon-8pm--which ever works best for your schedule. It is ok to have Apple Cider Vinegar or lemon juice during the fast but refrain from any calories or food that spikes insulin (I.e. Carbs, protein) until it is time to break the fast.

Once it is time to break the fast the body is in a fat burning mode which allows you to eat foods that you enjoy. NOTE: the leaner you are the more you can cheat during eating window!! If the main goal is fat loss, eat clean and watch the pounds come right off!!

Monday, June 26, 2017

BIG ARMS! Part II: How to Maximize Triceps Size!

The triceps consists of three muscles; the long head, the medial head and the lateral head. The long head is the biggest muscle in the group, located on the inner side. The medial head runs underneath, and the lateral head is on the outside.

Similar to the biceps, we want to give the long head special attention in order to get maximum size. This being said, remember that all three heads of the triceps all work as a team; we are just putting emphasis on the long head first! The best way to target the long head is to get a good stretch in it before beginning each repetition. Exercises that hit the long head are any overhead tricep extensions.

Also, be sure to hit the lateral head as it will  round out your arm and give your tricep that aesthetic "horseshoe" shape. The best way to target this head is to do exercises that keep your elbows at your sides such as the cable press downs (palms down) and bench dips. A trick to getting a great contraction in the lateral head is to turn the hands outward at the bottom of a cable press down using a rope.

Many of the exercises that target the long head also hit the medial head, so most of the training emphasis goes to the long and lateral heads. Exercises that work the medial head are reverse-grip press downs and dips.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

BIG ARMS! How to Get that Mountain Bicep Peak!!

In order to get that coveted bicep "peak" you have to focus on the long head of the biceps. The best way to hit the long head is to do exercises with the arms back such as the Incline Bench Dumbbell Curls, Close-Grip Barbell Curls, or Drag Curls, etc. Focus on getting a really good contraction at the top and controlling the weight all the way down.

Make sure not to neglect the short head! The best way to target the short head is doing curling motions in front of the body. Example: Wide-Grip Barbell Curls, Concentration Curls and Preacher Curls. It is important to train each head every time you train biceps! The long head will give you the peak and working the short head will give your arm some thickness. Always begin the workout with the muscle group that is lagging the most while your energy levels are still high!