Thursday, October 19, 2017

Avoid This Secret Ingredient That Might Even be Worse Than Trans Fat!!

The FDA has officially banned trans fats, but there is a new secret enemy that might be even worse!

Trans fats are linked to health problems including heart disease, infertility, cancer, type 2 diabetes, liver problems, obesity, and memory deficits.

Studies found that even when eating the same calories in fats, the test subjects that were fed trans fat gained four times more weight and 30% more belly fat than those who ate monounsaturated fats.

Trans fats are still being phased out so you will need to be able to identify them. If the ingredient label has the words "partially hydrogenated" then there is trans fats! Even if a label says "trans fat free" it may still contain up to 0.5 grams per serving. With several servings in a box, you could be getting multiple grams of trans fats and not even know it! My advice is to just stay away from packaged or processed foods all together.

The new replacement for trans fat may even be worse for you. Companies have already begun replacing partially hydrogenated oil with fully hydrogenated oil; also known as interesterified oil. This replacement technically is not a trans fat but there are indications that it could be worse for your health. In a university study volunteers who consumed interesterified oil had a drop in "good" HDL cholesterol and a 20% rise in blood sugar in just one month!

Moral of the story guys, if you see the word "hydrogenated" anywhere on the ingredients list; STEER CLEAR!

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