Monday, September 11, 2017

My super healthy salad dressing recipe!!

-2tbsp organic apple cider vinegar 

-1tbsp olive oil

-1/2 tsp black pepper

-1/2 lemon juice

-Pinch of Himalayan Salt

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Get Shredded With Intermittent Fasting!!

Intermittent fasting is a great way to maintain a lean muscular physique without having to eat all day. It forces the body to utilize fat as a source of fuel. Best of all, the results should be noticeable within days!! Intermittent fasting is not a fad diet and can be continued year-round. It is not optimal for mass gaining plans or if you are already very lean and shredding stubborn fat for a contest -- For optimal mass building techniques be sure to catch my next blog on "Cyclical Bulking!"

There are many health benefits to intermittent fasting like greater insulin sensitivity, boosts in metabolism and immune function and releases Human Growth Hormone in the body which keeps the body lean and ripped!

The key is to fast 16 hours. The fast is broken for 8 hours. Typically the eating window is 2-10pm or Noon-8pm--which ever works best for your schedule. It is ok to have Apple Cider Vinegar or lemon juice during the fast but refrain from any calories or food that spikes insulin (I.e. Carbs, protein) until it is time to break the fast.

Once it is time to break the fast the body is in a fat burning mode which allows you to eat foods that you enjoy. NOTE: the leaner you are the more you can cheat during eating window!! If the main goal is fat loss, eat clean and watch the pounds come right off!!