Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Does drinking raw egg whites really work?

The human body cannot completely and safely digest a raw egg white and also poses the threat of Salmonella. Avidin, which is found in raw egg whites, blocks the uptake of Vitamin B6 (Biotin) causing a vitamin deficiency. You must cook the egg white to neutralize the Avidin and allow your body to safely digest the protein and utilize all its Amino acids.

For those looking to get the convenience of drinking egg whites, without the digestive and health disadvantages, Egg Whites International makes a 100% natural pure egg white liquid protein that is pasteurized and salmonella tested, USDA approved and kosher. The filtering process makes it very easy to drink and mix. The drink is 100% bioavailable which means your body uses all of the protein that you take as opposed to whey proteins which only reaches 70-80% bioavailability.