Tired of the same routine? Check out this badass bicep/forearm workout:
1) Smith-Machine Ladder Bicep Curls
(Using just body weight to pull up)
5 sets of 12-20 reps (going to failure)
***video will be posted soon!!***
2) Wide-grip cable EZ Bar Drag Curls
(Elbows come back in the positive movement for better contraction)
5 sets of 12-15 reps (keep arms moving w/constant tempo for more blood flow)
3) Cable Crossover Bicep Curls
4 sets of 12 reps (quick tempo again)
4) Standing Dumbbell Hammer Curls
4 sets to failure (2-3 Dropsets each set)
1) Barbell Wide Rev. Grip Curls
5 sets of 15
2) Cable EZ Bar Rev. Grip Curls
6 sets of 12-15