Thursday, January 23, 2014

Tip of the Day:

Tip of the Day:

It is good to stretch before and after your workout but perform different stretches. I suggest doing a static stretch (holding stretch) only after the workout. You will hold a static stretch for 20-30 seconds and slowly release. Before the workout you should do a dynamic or active stretch to improve your range of motion and reduce muscle stiffness without elongating the muscle too much.

Examples of dynamic stretches:

Arm Swings
1. Stand tall and hold arms out to your side.
2. Slowly swing your arms back and forth across the front of your body.
3. Repeat this continuous motion for 30 seconds.

Trunk Rotations
1. Stand with a shoulder width stance. Place hands on hips.
2. With knees slightly bent, turn from side to side keeping feet firmly on the floor.
4. Complete a total of 15-20 full swings.

Leg Swings
1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart.
2. Keeping your upper body perpendicular to the ground swing one leg forward and backward.
3. Do not swing your leg so hard that you cannot keep your upper body from moving.
4. Repeat for 10 full swings and repeat on other leg. 5. You can also swing your leg across your body stretching the abductors and adductors.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Supine Bench Dumbbell Curl

Supine Bench Dumbbell Curl:

Lay flat on a bench with your legs close together. Keep your elbows/arms in close. Drop your arms as far down as possible and curl the dumbbells until you get a full contraction and squeeze.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Boycott GMOs!!!!

Folks it's time to find out what is in your food and boycott Monsanto and GMOs!! The stuff they are putting in our food is banned in most countries around the world for a reason! DO NOT be the next victim.. do your research and BOYCOTT GMO!!!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Tip of the day

A big misconception with lifters trying to build more muscle is that they need to lift more WEIGHT in order to grow optimally. In doing so, they completely neglect the muscle they are intending to work and just sloppily throw up heavy weight.

In order for muscle to grow, it must be subjected to new STIMULUS -- Time under tension, exercise, angle and speed!!